
NEW SHIZZLE... by me

"I can't hear the monkey on my sholder"


Balance is key

AHhh I need some balance in my life. In the end that's what its all about. You cant live in one extreme of anything. I need balance with my wants and responsibilities... and right now my wants and priorities are all out of whack and i need to get that shit straight . I'm embarrassed as to what i have put on the back burner... like lets see.

  • unpaid ticket .... if not paid by 8.8.08 my license is suspended
  • mailing in loan
  • apartment hunting ... actually signing a lease
  • car needs to be taken in
  • paying for the semester

Well its all gonna get done some time this week before these things

  • photo adventure
  • pool
  • organizing my zune
  • shopping
  • renting more movies

Also the clutter and the junk is driving me mad... I mean there is shit every where in every drawer.... I knew I had a lot of shit but how? how can I feel like I have nothing I need in all the stuff that is here. In the first hour of cleaning I managed to cover my entire queen size bed with stuff.... hair products, make-up, curling irons, flat irons, bras, books, Cd's, jewelry, clothes, shoes, movies, cameras, you name it it's here. I've gone threw 2 trash bags so far (which I'm proud of) and a whole bag of clothes. I still have a long way to that simple life but I'm working on it.


after: (five hours later)

I been thinking a lot about going back to school this year and how its my last year and everything. It kind of sucks because I have to be so serious this year and actually get shit done but i seriously don't want to stop partying and hanging out like I use to.... I keep telling myself to be serious but all I can think about is what can i wear to the bar? and how great its gonna be with my (possible) apartment being so close to the liquor store and the bar. I need a job! something needs to support my habits. shit right now I'm a non smoker by default... I have no money to buy pack....

I need to get the fuck out of here...

anyway I was looking at people's apartments today and I dig this girls place its nice... I could see myself there. we'll call it my inspiration. it has some elements i like. ha ha I'm loving the bedroom walls and the living room and I'm thinking about building a side table like that.


You better work bitch!

love it!


wal-mart consumer

So I went to Wal-mart today... and I would have to say i pretty much cant stand it anymore. now i was like practically brought up on Wal-mart. Me my mom and my grandma use to go out in the middle of the night to go shopping and I would purchase so much stuff... and end up spending a small fortune. Wal-mart has pretty much taken over the way we shop. I hate that we buy things at Wal-mart just because there is a fucking smiley face chopping prices or the fact that its a big fucking warehouse with every fucking thing you would ever need.Honestly how many times have you gone in for just one item and you end up leaving with like ten.... I hate that bullshit....ughhhh a waste.... also I hate the fact that the school I go to the biggest attraction to the town then was and still is Wal-mart.Seriously the tour guides said walmart is the place to be (says alot about where i go to school)(can i at least get a target!) but anyway fuck that shit . I been really wanting to do a photo series on walmart like portraits of the customers or like Stephan Gill and do photos of wal-mart receipts..... ugh heres some pics i snapped when i was there today. nothing special just random shots.

I hate it but its what we all are today....

nothing but stocked shelves and lables.

ahh shes fucking amazing!!!


Her sound and vocals melt everything around. Proving to be a top competitor against newly Duffy and fading Amy. Adele brings to the table a whole new love and appreciation for the new-wave soul. Her voice is beyond her young 19 years. Her recent album '19' is pure vocals and acoustics. Its just lovely!

Top Tracks I'm Loving:
  • Chasing pavements
  • Crazy for you
  • Cold shoulder

Photo Booth Project

Lately I really been having these ideas to build my own photo booth. I just love the old and classic look of the photos. I also love the snap shot quality they have and they are so much fun. I love the time and space relationship and the infinite possibilities of moments captured.

so first I been looking at as many pictures as I can find so that I can figure out exactly how the lighting and the distance works and all that stuff. next I'm trying to figure out if I should build an actual booth or do something digitally. not sure yet ....still a work in progress. my first idea was a large cardboard box painted white inside with a hole for the camera and it set up on a tripod. then have a chair inside where the person sit s and will have the shutter release cord.