
wal-mart consumer

So I went to Wal-mart today... and I would have to say i pretty much cant stand it anymore. now i was like practically brought up on Wal-mart. Me my mom and my grandma use to go out in the middle of the night to go shopping and I would purchase so much stuff... and end up spending a small fortune. Wal-mart has pretty much taken over the way we shop. I hate that we buy things at Wal-mart just because there is a fucking smiley face chopping prices or the fact that its a big fucking warehouse with every fucking thing you would ever need.Honestly how many times have you gone in for just one item and you end up leaving with like ten.... I hate that bullshit....ughhhh a waste.... also I hate the fact that the school I go to the biggest attraction to the town then was and still is Wal-mart.Seriously the tour guides said walmart is the place to be (says alot about where i go to school)(can i at least get a target!) but anyway fuck that shit . I been really wanting to do a photo series on walmart like portraits of the customers or like Stephan Gill and do photos of wal-mart receipts..... ugh heres some pics i snapped when i was there today. nothing special just random shots.

I hate it but its what we all are today....

nothing but stocked shelves and lables.